
Your web site (link or logo) will be placed on the CtLink Directory home page in Featured Links section.
$15.00/For each 3 months
You receive also:
One permanent silver link in the correspondent category.
Your website/logo will be placed on Offers page for six months.
One permanent, personal page with info about your company/business with your logo, banner, press release or article (you need to submit these also).
A link to your personal page will be placed in Recent Posts section on the home page for one month.
Your web site will be reviewed within 2 business days.
2. Select a payment option.
Pay with PayPal (Visa, Master Card, AMEX, Discover, Debit Card)
3. Fill out and submit your listing details.
After payment is made FILL OUT your listing details (Category, URL, Title, Description), and submit a link to your logo (max 120 x 90 pix.) + your article or business info, and complete your subscription.
Submitting this form does not automatically add your URL to the list. Please, allow us 2-3 days to review your site and notify you. You can cancel your subscription at any time (before the next billing period has started) through your PayPal account. If you run into any problems submitting links, send an email to support [AT] ctlinkdirectory [DOT] com with your listing details. Thank you!