Record Skype calls
automatically with Skype Recorder
Many users look for a
convenient way to record Skype conversations when necessary. This is
already possible with the help of a professional tool, that records
Skype calls automatically.
Not only
skype recorder records calls, but it
also saves the current conversation to one of the common formats like
MP3, OGG, WMA or WAV. Despite its small size of just 3Mb, this powerful
tool has a multiple of features and applications: the recording starts
automatically when you begin talking, there is a stealth mode to record
conversations secretly, there is a built-in audio editor. Free lifetime
updates are provided as well.
Skype Recorder could have
numerous possible applications, like uploading recorded conversations to
blog as podcasts, business conversations recording for future reference,
as a security precaution to
monitor what the employees are talking
about, children's control and many others.