- Free Call
FREE CALLS to regular phones over the internet. Just install the free FreeCall application, plug a headset in your PC and start calling instantly.
- Telephone number search
Do you want to find out information about an unknown number?
- Call Easy
The cheapest international calls via your regular/mobile phone or via your pc! Very easy and you can try it for free!
- WhatsApp Calling
WhatsApp Calling uses your phone's Internet connection, instead of your cell plan's voice minutes, so you don't have to worry about expensive calling charges.
- Kakao talk for Windows phone
Kakao talk has high-quality voice calls, free messages and multimedia (photos, videos, voice memos).
- Skype-to-Skype calls
Talk to anyone else on Skype, anywhere in the world, for free.
- WeChat
Free messaging and calling app. Free voice and video calls to anywhere in the world.
- Viber
Make free calls to other Viber users, on any device and network, in any country!
- Telegram
Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security, it’s super-fast, simple and free.
- FaxZero
Send faxes for free to anywhere in the U.S. and Canada, or send an international fax.